Smallweb Playground


The content of this instance will be reset anytime I feel like it. Since this instance is shared, you should not under any circoomstance put credentials in there!

This is a public shared demo instance of smallweb running on hetzner cloud.


Creating websites

Head to the editor at to edit existing websites.

To create you own websites, just create a file at /<your-name>/main.ts, and paste the following code:

import { Hono } from 'npm:hono'

const app = new Hono()

app.get('/', (c) => c.text('Hello from smallweb!'))

export default app

Then go to https://<your-name>, and see your website live!

The www, smallblog, excalidraw and vscode apps are readonly, but you can edit all the other apps.

Example apps

If you want to "fork" them, just copy paste the folder.
